JAMCEMs Quarry design services focus on the decisions that will have a long term impact on the operating cost of the operation such as crusher location and type, mobile fleet selection, bench and road design and contracting out of services.
Opening up a new quarry in the correct manner and the decisions made at the planning stage can have long terms impacts upon the ease of operation as well as the operating cost and therefore the profitability of the site. From the geological reports and core samples obtained by the client, JAMCEM can assess the quantity and quality of reserves available and provide recommendations as how they should be mined, covering aspects such as the design of benches, drilling and blasting, haulage roads and ramps and dewatering of the quarry.
The following stage of the design process is the selection of both the mobile and static equipment that will be used to transport and process the aggregate material. JAMCEM identifies the optimal size, type and number of the mobile fleet that will be required for the specific quarry taking into consideration future mining changes such as depth of quarry as well as the material properties and mining method. For the fixed plant, JAMCEM ensures that the correct type of crushing equipment is selected for the material being processed taking into consideration the material properties across all climatic conditions. JAMCEM will also review the tenders provided by the equipment suppliers.
As environmental protection is now a major feature of the planning process of any new quarry, JACMCEM provides advice relating to both dust emissions and noise minimisation from the quarry site – two of the major causes of complaints around quarries and aggregates processing plants. Longer term, JAMCEM will also provide advice relating to the ongoing restoration on the quarry and long term final use of the quarry once production has ceased.