JAMCEMs Quality Services focus not only on monitoring and maintaining existing quality levels from aggregates operations but also ensuring that the maximum value is extracted from the material by ensuring that it is always used in the right application.
Aggregates have wide and varied properties and applications and subsequently value to the final customer. JAMCEM provides expert advice with regards to the type of product that could and should be produced from a particular quarry based upon the geological analysis and core samples. In addition to this, JAMCEM advises on the suitability of aggregates for different uses such as road bases, concrete, asphalt or speciality aggregates based up results of test such as abrasion, impact resistance and chemical reactivity.
Particle shape is also critical in certain applications such as concrete and asphalt aggregate and JAMCEM can assist with the correct selection of the equipment to produce the desired particle shape, taking into consideration the particular rock features such as stratification and joints. JAMCEM also advises on the other process stages such as washing, scrubbing or drying that may be required to produce the required quality of product for the end user.
With the knowledge of concrete performance within the JAMCEM network, the impact of the final product quality in concrete can be explained to the customer and advice can be provided relating to the necessary quality control for the product or products from the quarry.