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JAMCEM Article on cement environmental ranking
01 Jul 2019
JAMCEM has recently had an article on a potential environmental ranking system for cement published in World Cement
For further information please download the following presentation:

JAMCEM and CKS Simulator develop kiln operations training package
28 Feb 2018
JAMCEM Consulting and CKS Simulator have joined forces to create a unique Kiln Operations Training Course.
The course brings together the strengths of JAMCEMs process knowledge and skilled personnel with the unique kiln simulator that has been developed by CKS. The simulator can be tailored to your plant configuration, raw materials, fuel type and quality parameters. The simulator can be used at any time - no need to plan ahead and book time in advance like some of the available simulators. It also features different scenario on which kiln operators and others using the software can test themselves on.
The training is also tailored to your needs and the target audience and offers the opportunity to bring together different disciplines such as production, quality, process, maintenance and environment to develop a common kiln burning strategy.
For further information please download the following presentation:

JAMCEM welcomes Stephane Agostini to the team
07 Nov 2017
We are extremely pleased to welcome Stephane Agostini to the JAMCEM team.
Stephane is a graduate from Bordeaux Business School with a specialization in finance. He has a 35 years’ experience, 25 of them in cement business, mainly within the Lafarge Group. Stephane has occupied both functional and operational positions such as Plant Controller, Plant HR manager, Information System Project Manager, country CFO and Strategy Director in France, Singapore and various Sub-Saharan African countries. Stephane has a strong experience in financial processes optimization, ERP implementation, product costing and spreading a common financial culture within businesses.
Stephane will be working on a number of JAMCEMs services such as Manpower Assessment, Spare Parts and Inventory Assessment, ERP implementation and IFRS adaption as well as budget and capital project support services.

Why performance analysis and diagnostics should replace traditional benchmarking models
02 Jun 2017
The latest JAMCEM blog article entitled "Why performance analysis and diagnostics should replace traditional benchmarking models" is now available at the JAMCEM -

Website updates
15 Sep 2016
The JAMCEM website has recently been updated with the Client list now showing all of the work that has been completed in 2016 as well as a new letter of reference provided to the company from Cimsa, following recent Due Diligence work completed by JAMCEM.

JAMCEM launches Alternative Fuels training course
08 Jun 2016
JAMCEM Consulting is now offering an Alternative Fuels course for its Clients. This is in response to a request for a course which will be held for an Egyptian client in the month of July 2016.
The course material focuses on the requirements for using different types of alternative fuels and the impact that the fuels have on throughput, plant run-time, quality and the environment. Health and Safety issues are covered as well as the wider issue of Sustainability for the company.
The course will be tailored for each client taking into consideration their location, the types of fuels that are available and the pyro-processing equipment that is currently used.
Clck here to read about our training course

JAMCEM adds new resources to the team
30 May 2016
JAMCEM Consulting is pleased to announce the addition of Kevin McAdam to the already highly experienced team of specialists. Kevin has been in the cement industry for 36 years, having started in the production department as an operator and worked his way up to the position of Senior Kiln Burner in Blue Circle Cement/Lafarge Cement UK.
He has also worked as a kiln operations specialist - optimising kilns, trouble-shooting process issues, assisting operators work with new fuels and equipment such as by-pass systems and commissioning new systems. More recently, Kevin has been working for KHD Humboldt Wedag as a Commissioning Supervisor covering commissioning, performance guarantee tests, advising on operational issues with KHD equipment and operator training.
Kiln operators play a major part in the profitability of any cement plant, and Kevin’s specialisations for JAMCEM will cover the following areas, all of which will increase your plants financial performance:
• Kiln operator training, coaching and development
• Kiln troubleshooting relating to output and fuel consumption
• Optimisation of kiln control and reduction of kiln by-pass usage
• Cooler optimisation
• Pyro-processing system commissioning
• Petcoke and alternative fuels substitution rate optimisation
As with all JAMCEM services, we can tailor any of these services to your requirements and budget to provide a focused performance improvement assignment.

Latest blog - Rising energy costs finally arrive
14 Jan 2016
The latest blog is now live - looking into the effect of the recent rise in fuel and power prices in the MENA region.
Read the blog at or through the icon on the header of this page

JAMCEM adds refractory expertise to the team
04 Nov 2015
JAMCEM is pleased to announce that Javier Castellanos has joined the team to add to the refractory skills within the group. Javier is equally skilled in assisting with the design of refractory systems for pyro-processing systems, improving planning management and installation and analyzing refractory failures. A short summary of his career is shown below:
"Javier graduated as an Industrial Engineer specialized in Automation from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He joined Lafarge Cement Spain in 1995 and after an initial stage within the Central Process Team at the Technical Centre, he worked for 13 years at Villaluenga Plant (Spain) in a number of roles such as Process/Automation Engineer, Production Engineer and Production Manager.
In 2009, he moved to Madrid Head Office as National Sourcing Manager and also joined the Lafarge Group World-Wide Refractories Sourcing Team at Central Group Purchasing. In 2012 he moved to Lafarge Cement UK (LafargeTarmac) as Production Manager in Scotland. Since 2015 he has worked as a Cement Plant Consultant specializing in all aspects of refractories such as materials selection, refractory design, full project management including installation as well as troubleshooting and failure analysis"

Energy auditing...efficiently
29 Oct 2015
The latest in the JAMCEM series of email adverts was launched this week - this time focusing on the JAMCEM unique Energy Auditing Process
Click here to see the PADS advert

New services advertisements
16 Oct 2015
In the next few weeks, JAMCEM will be launching its new advertising campaign to let more customers know about the benefits it is currently providing to its existing clients in the cement industry. The adverts cover three core areas of JAMCEM Services - the Performance Analysis and Diagnostics System (PADS), Energy Auditing and Human Capital.
Click here to see the PADS advert

JAMCEM top of the SEEC "Recommended List" for Energy Auditing in Saudi Arabia
28 Aug 2015
JAMCEM was this week informed by the Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre (SEEC) that it has been selected as one of the companies that is included on the list of "Recommended Companies" to undertake Energy Audits in the Saudi Cement Industry. SEEC is responsible for promoting energy efficiency within the sector as well as monitoring fuel and power consumption of the cement manufacturers within the Kingdom as they move towards the mandatory fuel and power consumption targets to be achieved by 2019. JAMCEMs inclusion on the list comes after successful audits in KSA, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria and Ireland.

Topical blog - the Italcementi takeover by Heidelberg
30 Jul 2015
Hot off the press following the latest announcement plus an update on the previous blog about Synergies
Read the blog at or through the icon on the header of this page

New PADS format and layout completed
21 Jul 2015
JAMCEM has recently completed the redesign of the report of its Performance Analysis and Diagnostics System - PADS. The new design is more user friendly as well as colour-coding each of the parameters that are assessed within the categories used in PADS - these being Kiln Throughput, Fuel, Power, Quality, Reliability, Labour Productivity and Environment.
More details about PADS and examples of the new format can be seen at under the Performance Analysis tab in the menu of this site as well as by emailing

Latest blog - " The next round of Synergies"
15 Jul 2015
The latest blog is now live featuring a short commentary on Mergers and Acquisitions and delivering the synergies that are presented to the business stakeholders to justify the joining to two businesses.
Read the blog at or through the icon on the header of this page

This weeks blog - By-pass minimisation
05 Jul 2015
The latest blog is now live - this week with a focus on technical issues.
The blog covers the impact of the volatiles by-pass system that is used to in preheater and precalciner kiln systems and some simple engineering checks that can be completed to assess whether it is being used in the correct manner.
Read the blog at or through the icon on the header of this page

JAMCEM blog is live!
25 Jun 2015
The new JAMCEM blog is live and can be found at or via the blog icon at the top of every page of this website. The blog will be updated weekly and will contain insight into the current events within the cement industry as well as focused reviews of technical issues challenging cement producers.
The first post to the blog focuses in the issues within the Egyptian and Saudi Cement industries - two countries close in location but facing vastly different challenges in terms of fuel supply. We hope that you find the blog interesting and if there are topics that you would like us to review - please contact us via the form on the Contact Us page.

The JAMCEM Story
16 Jun 2015
If you haven't already found it on the JAMCEM site - read a little more about the JAMCEM Story and the beliefs and values of the JAMCEM team - this can be found under the ABOUT tab in the main menu
JAMCEM joins social media!
20 May 2015
You can now follow JAMCEM Consulting and get the latest news updates on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Follow JAMCEM Consulting on Twitter @JamcemConsult and see the dedicated pages on Facebook and LinkedIn which can found through the icons in the header of this website